My theme for the holidays came a little later than usual, but today I got my inspiration.
While on my morning run, I passed a little wooden bench with a small, evergreen wreath carefully attached. It was labeled with one sparkly, elegantly printed word: Believe.
As I continued, I thought about how nice it was for someone to place that wreath there to spread a little Christmas cheer. When I see the word "believe" at Christmas time, it's usually in reference to Santa Claus and Christmas magic. Which is fun and exciting, but nothing is farther from reality and when it's all said and done, it's really a let down. This year it hit me- Christmas is about believing. Not about believing in magic, but believing in miracles.
Christmas is truly about the most amazing miracle of all time. God wrapped Himself in flesh to save us from sin, so we could live eternally with Him. What a wonderful miracle!
So this Christmas I'm going to remind myself of this: Believe. Believe that the God who performed the miracle of Christmas is the same yesterday, today, and forever, just as Hebrews 13:8 reminds us.
I'm going to believe that Christmas is a reminder of the miracles to come. I believe that even now God is doing miracles that we cannot see. 2 Corinthians 4:18 reminds us to set our eyes on things that are not seen...I think that means believe! Believe that He is breaking chains. Believe that He is setting captives free. Believe that He is bringing prodigal sons and daughters home.
Luke 1:37 tells us nothing is impossible with God. Lots of us cling to that verse. Do you know that is the beginning of the Christmas miracle? That is the last thing the angel of the Lord told Mary. The angel told her about how she will be carrying this miraculous baby, and the last thing he said was: "for with God nothing shall be impossible."
Why would he need to make that statement to her? Because the foretelling of such a work of God was huge! It was unbelievable to her! He saw the questions in her eyes and cut her unbelief out of the picture. She was most likely thinking, "this is impossible." She even said at one point, "how can this be?" So his response is, "nothing is impossible with God."
Alone, on your own, it may be impossible. But you are not alone. Deuteronomy 31:6 says, God will never leave you, nor forsake you. And if you have Him, NOTHING is impossible!
It really doesn't matter what kind of miracle you need this holiday season. It doesn't matter how small or how great it is, you have to just believe. In Mark 9:23 Jesus, the Miracle of Christmas Himself, says, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."
So this Christmas season, I say join me and BELIEVE! Believe in the true meaning of Christmas, but don't just believe in the miracle of Christmas, let Christmas remind you that miracles have happened, and still happen.
Don't believe in magic, believe in miracles! God's Word does not fail!
I believe!
Very good, thanks for the reminder of what CHRISTmas is all about!