Friday, December 12, 2014

All Is Well

All is well. No, nothing magical happened since my last blog. All my prayers haven't been answered. A truck load of blessings didn't just show up. I found the true source of peace.

Understanding the source of peace is essential to receiving it. Blessings don't bring peace. If that was the case, all those who are abundantly blessed would be at peace. We all know someone who is very blessed, but is always disgruntled about something.

How many people can you think of that are really going through a trial, yet they have peace? Those are the people you should gravitate towards. They have little or it's all falling apart, yet, they are praising Him anyway. They have found the source of peace.

No matter what this year brought to you or took from you, all is well. All is well because His blood is still flowing. He hasn't let you go. Peace is found in a deep appreciation for salvation.

John 10:28 (ESV) says, "I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand."

My favorite Christmas song this year is, "All Is Well" by Michael W. Smith and Carrie Underwood. It talks about how all is well because our Savior was born. You hear it every year, but really think about it.

Our SAVIOR was born. The One who gives eternal life, and no one will snatch us out of His hand! Not only has He saved my soul, but He has saved me from so many other things and no one and nothing can change that! When I think about it that way, it is overwhelming. He loves me. He loves you!

No matter who or what comes against me, and even though this world may be falling apart, all is well, because my salvation is secure in Him and that brings peace to my mind and soul.

Don't let the busy Christmas season overwhelm you or make you feel lonely, find true peace in knowing your salvation is secure because your Savior was born. All is well.

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