Monday, January 21, 2019

Snow is the Right Color

After a beautiful snowfall, Katelyn (my 7 year old) and I walked across the street to visit a neighbor. Katelyn observed the sun reflecting off the thick blanket of white snow and said, “mommy, snow is so pretty. God picked the right color. It wouldn’t be as pretty if it was pink or red or green. I really like it white. It’s so bright and beautiful.” 

I just smiled at her thoughts. She is so right. God chose the perfect color to reflect Who He is. The brightness of a fresh blanket of snow is such a vivid reminder of the purity of God. It’s also a welcome reminder of His power to make us white as snow. 

Although it is freezing cold and the kids are home from school driving you crazy, try to focus on the glory of our God- His purity and righteousness and His power to cleanse us from sin. 

Let’s use this winter storm as an object lesson for our children. All ages of children need to be reminded of God’s amazing qualities. 

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