Monday, January 19, 2015

Withholding Nothing

We sang a song in church about surrendering all to God, withholding nothing. We sang "withholding nothing" over and over again. It hit me this morning: withholding nothing means giving Him everything, both good and bad.

God wants us to surrender our lives to Him, all the "good" things we can give Him, but He also wants us to give Him our hurts!

Matthew 11:28 (NIV) "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

You don't have to get things in order in your life to surrender to Him, He wants you just as you are, with all your problems.

1 Peter 5:7 (ESV) "Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."

He cares about you, even when you are full of anxieties! He wants you to surrender all to Him, withholding nothing!

We live for God day after day, trying to do what's right and be a witness for Him. Yet, we keep our problems thinking we can figure it all out or it's not really that bad, continuing to carry around those burdens. But the same God that heals the sick and raises the dead cares about us and wants to take care of our problems! You see those things as problems, failures, mistakes, issues, but He sees them as potential. He can take what you think is a mess and make it a miracle!

Giving your life to God means giving every aspect of your life to God, your successes and your failures. Give Him glory for the successes and trust Him with your failures.

Don't just give God your time, talents, and tithe, give Him your troubles, too! Withhold nothing! He can handle it!!