My generation is dangerous. We have so many more easily accessible resources than what our parents had. We have education, jobs, and social support. If we need something, we google it and figure out how to get it. We have amazing churches where we can go to be filled and renewed in the Spirit.
Recently I watched a YouTube interview video by my pastor, who has been my pastor since I was 3 years old. Traffic Talk with Wayne Huntley
It is well worth your time to click on the link. Rev. Wayne Huntley is considered an elder now and has pegged our generation, as he perfectly states in that video. We are self-sufficient. We know our resources and access them when needed. We don't ever exhaust the natural resources to the point where we are dependent on a Supernatural intervention. We have robbed ourselves of an intimate walk with God, being led by the Holy Ghost on a daily basis, because we have made a life long commitment to Him and feel like that is enough.
Obviously, I am not speaking for the entire generation. If this is not you, then don't read on. But, if you can relate, please keep reading! I was raised in a home where Jesus was the answer. Mom and dad worked hard, but still fell short in providing and would pray for Jesus to intervene. One day, I vividly remember my mother praying for God to send us groceries and within hours, there was a knock at the door. A neighbor had gone to the store to find that many items were buy one, get one free, and she was a widow, living alone, so she gave us all the free items. As soon as that lady left, mom actually did a little dance thanking the Lord for answering her prayers. I saw my mom do that dance often.
When was the last time you were in a place where you had to depend on God to pull you through? You had completely exhausted the natural, and you needed a Supernatural intervention.
Here's the deal. You can't ever get to that place where you can rely on a Supernatural intervention, if you don't have an intimate walk with God. Rev Wayne Huntley explained how we need to be more dependent on the Holy Ghost and be led on a daily basis by what He wants us to do. We've become so comfortable in going to church multiple times during the week and filling up our spiritual tank, that we neglect to develop daily walk with God. We neglect to schedule time for Him on the days that are crazy busy. We neglect to diligently seek His will on every aspect of our lives.
The generation before us, our parents, wouldn't dare leave the house without having prayer and devotion. They wouldn't dare change jobs or buy a new house without seeking God's will. They wouldn't dare to get married or have children without asking for God's favor. Yet, here we are, we rush out on Monday morning neglecting to ask Him for direction for our day, because we are still full of the dose of the Holy Ghost from Sunday night. We neglect to praise Him for waking us up and providing for us.
In our finite minds, we feel that we are successful because we're able to pay our bills and buy groceries on a regular basis. Sure we live from paycheck to paycheck, but we're never in a place where our stomachs are growling and we're wondering how much longer the electricity will be on without paying the bill.
The truth is, it is God Who gave you that job. It is God Who gives you the health to go to work every day. It is God Who gives you favor with your boss and co-workers. It is God Who keeps your car from breaking down every 50 miles. It is God Who keeps you and your family safe while you travel around town. It is God Who puts the very breath in your lungs and wakes you up each day with a sound mind.
These are the things our parents realized. These are the reasons they fell on their knees every morning and worshiped the One True God. What you spend your time on, it what you are worshiping. All through the Old Testament, God was angered at the Children of Israel because they put other gods before Him. God does not change. How long will we go on putting other things before Him? How long will we go on spending more time on social media, than we do getting to know Him for Who He is? The God of our parents has not changed. He is longing for us to find Him and know Him the way that they did.
We can't be led by the Holy Ghost on a daily basis, if we don't get into His presence on a daily basis. You wouldn't ask someone you don't know for a favor, so how can you ask the King of kings for a Supernatural intervention, when you don't have an intimate relationship with Him?
Here's the thing about my mom's prayer...that wasn't the first time I heard her pray. She prayed like that every single day. That was the first time I heard her pray for something specific and watched it actually happen. She knew Who she was praying to because she didn't wait for a crisis to happen before she developed a daily prayer life. She met with the King of kings daily, and when she had a need, she knew exactly how to petition Him.
Don't wait until you get into crisis mode to find Him. Rise above the average walk with God that most of our generation has, and find an extraordinary place in Him. It is great that you are dedicated to attending church and signing up to help with every ministry possible, but that doesn't replace the intimate relationship He wants from you. Find that place in Him where you can depend on the Supernatural after you've exhausted the natural. Your faith will grow. Your spirit will soar. Your heart will be full and content. Why? Because walking with Him on an extraordinary level, is what we were created to do. Col 2:6.
This isn't just a blog. This isn't me just rambling about what I think we should consider for our lives. This is the Word of God and it does not change. God has proved Himself to me. God hears and answers our prayers, just as He did for our parents. A few years ago, I found myself in a place where I was in desperate need of a financial intervention. My gas bill was due (my heat/water heater is fueled by a gas line), and my groceries were almost gone. I truly had exhausted the natural and was completely dependent on the Supernatural. In my prayer time, I said, "God, You provided for my parents, and now I need You to intervene for me and my kids."
The very next day, a huge amount of money (enough to cover ALL my bills for a month) was accidentally deposited into my checking account. I called the bank, and they told me where it came from. I called that person, and they said it was a mistake but they felt like I needed the money, so I could keep it! I wish I could tell you that I got up and did that little dance my mom did when God answered her prayers, but I didn't...I just wept in humble adoration of the One who loves me so much. It was amazing that God cared so much about me that He provided more than what I needed.
James 4:8 says to draw near to God and He will draw near to you. He is waiting for you.
Put aside whatever you spend excessive amounts of time on, and schedule time with Him each day. Set an alert on your phone and don't turn it off until you talk to Him. Don't cancel your appointment with Him. When patients don't show up to an appointment at our office, they get charged a $25 fee. When you don't show up to your appointment with God, you are robbing yourself of blessings. Peace. Love. Joy. Abundance of life.
Escape this dangerous generation of being average and bust into the extraordinary Supernatural realm that the generation before us has discovered. If we don't, what will the next generation be like? The Supernatural may become extinct.